
(...) a "citizens' compendium of everything," is an experimental new wiki project. The project, started by a founder of Wikipedia, aims to improve on that model by adding "gentle expert oversight" and requiring contributors to use their real names.

Comming next: ads in your kitchen - free food

This summer, Britain's teenagers will be able to stop badgering their parents to pay off their mobile phone bills, with the launch of a new service that offers free calls and texts provided users are willing to receive adverts on their phones. (...)

Guardian Unlimited

Não saiam de casa hoje.

Hoje, em Lisboa e Porto, o jornal Metro vai vestir os seus promotores de uma forma diferente do habitual. No total serão dez os pontos de distribuição em que o diário colocará os seus promotores “’despidos’ com o fato-de-banho famoso do Borat”, sendo que cada um dos ´Borat’s’ estará acompanhado por uma guarda-costas. Esta acção, elaborada em conjunto com a Castelo-Lopes, visa complementar a campanha de publicidade presente nas páginas do Metro sobre o lançamento do DVD de Borat no mercado nacional. De resto, o diário gratuito revela que estão já planeadas “mais acções com a Castelo-Lopes para suportar novos lançamentos de filmes e DVDs”.

The "downloading" classroom

"(...) As we talked about his answer, he confessed that he used Wikipedia because he felt he could not comprehend or complete all the readings assigned, and was desperate to get the question answered. And he noted that parents or teachers often tell kids who ask questions, "Look it up online." He felt that kids are so programmed to be on the fast track in high school -- "from high school to the great college to the job to the 2.5 kids and the beautiful house" -- that no one really wants to slow down and deal with ethics. (...)"
Full article in The Washington Post.
Via Ponto Media.

Citizen Journalism

"CBS News and Fox News on Monday signed up Neighborhood America to create social-networking technology that will help them attract user-generated news reports from citizen journalists around the United States. (...)"
Full article: Red Herring.
Seen in Ponto Media.

A árvore e a floresta

"El clima de censura"

Domenico Dolce y Stefano Gabbana han anunciado hoy que van a retirar todos los anuncios publicitarios de la marca Dolce & Gabbana del mercado español para "proteger su creatividad". Los diseñadores han denunciado el "clima de censura" que han sufrido en este país, donde uno de sus anuncios fue tachado de "machista". (...)

In El Pais, dicovered in comunicar a direito.

O “mundo” das “cartas ao director”

"Quando exerci as funções de provedor do leitor do Jornal de Notícias, uma das maiores surpresas que tive foi descobrir o pequeno universo daqueles leitores que têm todo o tempo do mundo e que (não) se fartam de escrever para os jornais.
Onde estava a novidade? Estava no facto de haver cavalheiros que levavam o papel tão a sério que faziam constar na sua entourage que eram jornalistas (então não escreviam no jornal?) e, como prova disso, chegavam a mandar imprimir cartões com o logotipo do jornal e com o respectivo nome. E a coisa era de tal monta que se as cartas que enviavam não saíam com a frequência que lhes permitia alimentar a ilusão protestavam, neste caso junto do provedor.

Por Manuel Pinto, em Jornalismo & Comunicação.

Bu siteye erişim mahkeme karariyla engellenmiştir

A court in Istanbul has issued an order denying access to the video-sharing website YouTube. The state owned Turk Telecom implemented the ban today after an escalating dispute between Greek and Turkish users of the site.
The court order was issued yesterday and most internet users logging onto the site in Turkey are met with a holding page with a Turkish message, which translates as: “Access to this site has been denied by court order ! ...”.
Greek and Turkish YouTube users have been trading video insults over the past few months, attracting much coverage in the Turkish press. Greek videos reportedly accused the founding president of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, of homosexuality; a Turkish user responded by calling Greece the birthplace of homosexuality.

Here is the Times' article.
Discovered in Metroblogging Istanbul.

Fair and balanced news?

An YouTube video about Fox, the TV channel, and Barack Obama, one of the candidates to the USA 2008 presidential elections.

Discovered in Arrastão.
