Worldwide Press Freedom Index 2006

This index measures the state of press freedom in the world. It reflects the degree of freedom journalists and news organisations enjoy in each country, and the efforts made by the state to respect and ensure respect for this freedom.

Free press

The free newspapers phenomenon is increasing in Portugal. Formerly restricted to the two main cities, Lisbon and Porto, these last weeks the distribution network was extended to three more cities. Destak and Metro, two free newspapers, also state that they will create the conditions for starting to produce local news.
Even if the main press disregarded this subject, concerning the current crisis in this sector, it should be seen as a relevant issue, maybe as turning position for a different approach related with the "conventional" press.

More information here and here.

I've seen this before...

A television programme that purports to show widespread drug use among Italy’s MPs was scrapped before transmission last night amid uproar over both the results and the methods used to entrap the politicians.
In a classic sting operation some 50 politicians were fooled into thinking they were being interviewed about aspects of next year’s draft budget, currently before parliament. Instead, a make-up artist with a satirical TV show swabbed their eyebrows to get a sample of their perspiration, which was then tested for traces of cannabis and cocaine. Twelve allegedly tested positive for cannabis and four for cocaine, all apparently taken in the 36 hours before being approached.

Full article in The Guardian.

Google buys YouTube

It would be easy to have a blog only about Google's new achievements.
Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, the YouTube founders, have made a video on YouTube about being bought by Google. Check it here.

Memory - when is it too much?

Lately, it seems that "too much memory" can be considered as a legitimate excuse to dismiss journalists.

A fazer fé num relato do último plenário de redacção do jornal Público relatado pelo semanário Sol, um dos administradores da empresa proprietária do diário terá justificado a necessidade de dispensar jornalistas pelo facto de, segundo disse, haver «memória a mais» na redacção (...).

Miguel Carvalho,
Visão Online, 03-10-2006.